Payment Processing
Payment processing is the handling of transactions from merchants. Merchants are unable to get payment processing with most banks. Furthermore, many merchants who are accepting credit card payments have run into several issues with their existing service(s), such as increased difficulties in chargeback disputes, funds being on hold, significantly higher fees – even for a classification, lack of support, and/ or multiple account closures.
Who is a Merchant?
When it comes to what businesses are classified as “a merchant,” there are well defined guidelines being set globally within the payment processing landscape. The main criteria is a raised level of potential credit card fraud and credit card chargebacks, associated with accepting electronic payments. A variety of reasons can lead to this scenario, including the following:
- Nature of the Industry
- Payment Terms
- Monthly Processing Volumes/ Ticket Sizes
- Nature of the Consumers
Working with Merchants
Payment processing companies that will work with merchants include those that specialize in payment processing and are able to provide customized fraud protection. Online security strategies for Processing have been specifically designed to address security and have shown a proven record of successfully keeping under control the occurrence of online fraud, while providing a seamless service and assuring that chargebacks are also kept at a minimum.
Merchants will have to deal with higher credit card processing rates, but this does not entail less service benefits, nor lower approval rates or fewer value-added services. Merchants must know that they deserve fair payment processing rates and terms of service and they should carefully choose their provider, as payment processing company contracts and offers can greatly vary.

Merchants deserve fair payment processing.
Apply Now for a High-Risk Merchant Account
TransNet Specializes in Payment Processing
TransNet offers payment processing with offshore acquiring banks to merchants worldwide. Through its network of financial institutions, TransNet provides fair rates, easy approval, quick integration, 24/7 fraud and security protection and several value-added services (multiple currencies, eWallet, ACH, alternative payments, etc.) to a variety of merchants, including new businesses, online sales of nutraceuticals, health, and beauty products, auction holders, debt collectors, legitimate online gaming, and more.
Read more and contact one of our payment processing experts.