Credit card processing is a detail-oriented business. For merchants it may create confusion with all of the details involved. One of the greatest complexities in the industry are the interchange fees applied by banks and card brands.


  • More than hundreds of interchange rates are applicable in the industry and are determined by factors such as card types, card brand and issuing bank.
  • Other contributing determining variables include the time of settlement, business type or organization, whether the transaction was taken online or swiped on a terminal, and other variables, as well.

The established interchange rates produced by credit and debit card companies are public information, non-negotiable and must be paid by all parties involved.

Merchant Industry-based Information


Your current interchange rates for popular brand-names such as Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards are already established and do not vary from company to company. These established and universally recognized interchange rates are available to any merchant interested in inquiring.

Please, find these links useful for your examining needs.

Protection for all Merchants


In the industry, you are protected with The Merchant Bill of Rights. It promotes fair credit, debit and prepaid card processing practices. You are able to manage costs, select an honorable processor and obtain an accurate projection of savings by virtue of The Merchant Bill of Rights.

Please, follow this link to learn more.


Merchant Solutions


Common problems are far too often presented to merchants. These problems may include a non-transparent format in which the processor serves the consumer, an unfair and dishonest business, or an unsettled dispute between the consumer and business provider.


  • For an honest outlook on our competitors fees, please, refer to the link provided. TransNet firmly believes in transparency and would like no more than to provide peace of mind to you with knowing that you are in good hands.


  • For unsettled disputes between you and any business, please, see the link for Federal Trade Commission. It’s an agency presented to the consumer as a form of protection from unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices in the marketplace.

Let’s Get Started

Transnet Enterprises customizes payment processing products and services to meet the specific requirements of
your business from start-up to success, regardless of industry or size. We want to help you reach your business
goals. Please let us know how we can help you by email us below or calling us at 888-888-6888 for sales inquiries.
A local representative will contact you within 24 hours.
